Sounds familiar right, not something surprising if not being taken for granted. When people heard “women who code” they might be like “wow” but no one ever recognize that women are the ones who cook daily as well. Without women cooking, I am sure some men might just be starving because they don’t how to cook or just simply don’t want to cook. Of course, cooking is usually not men’s domain and that’s understandable but at least because of that, they should appreciate women who have helped them with this matter. I have seen women who are so frustrated that they do not want to cook anymore because they do not feel like they are appreciated enough.
We were created with a role of either ‘male’ or ‘female’ or ‘third gender’ and no one has ever firmly decided who will do what. However something might come innate that women are better at house’s work while men are better at politics and society work out there. That does not mean they should or have to act on those roles. And while they do, they should be appreciated and recognized. They should be understood that sometimes they may not do a good job of cooking and that they might have ambitious goals as well. No one can say they can or cannot be ambitious, it matters whether they are empowered to. A woman is not supposed to be a maid so her man’d better draw a clear line between. She should be cooking because she loves doing it to take care of her family. If there was a moment she had a thought “why would I have to do this?” that’s not good and that means she is not fulfilled. It tells something happened behind made her stand up for herself now. A woman is also a human who has emotions and thoughts and aspirations. And one can only be fulfilled when he or she finds meaning in whatever they have been doing, that’s when they can do well at what they are good at. That’s equality.