West Coast journey winter 2018

Hong Tran
4 min readApr 2, 2020


San Francisco is such an amazing, modern and tech-driven city. It is not that hustle as New York but very dynamic and has something unique there due to the fact that it is near beaches. However, this modern city goes along with high living cost in which an average meal costs $30. I went to the port and really enjoy sightseeing in the local market there where there have been so many good catering and interesting souvenir shops. People sell almost everything there from bread, cheese to olive oil, bags and books. Traveling alone gave me all freedom and self-fulfillment without negotiating or compromising for someone else’s interest. It happened very spontaneously that I wanted to go to see Golden Gate bridge and see the city so I just went, I searched google and decided to take trains which are very fast and convenient. San Francisco in particular and California in general have given me the sense of living easily when everything is intended to make our life easier so that we can spend quality time effectively and enjoy our life more.

I met an old couple who are very nice and who advised me to be smart and be lucky :)

I met a young lady who started traveling from Italy with $500 and has travelled around the world for 1.5 years. She has learnt how to deal with different people and protect herself. She wears a ring just to show that she is already belong to someone but she changes the finger to wear sometimes lol.

“Does everything have to be always right? You can do something wrong for the first time and learn from it.”

With flight delay and all annoying things happening, a little kid is still very strong, she keeps smiling since anything happened it already happened and what we can do is to make the best out of the situations. Kids can stand through these irritating situations, can’t we?

It was so great for me to meet a very nice woman who studied and is working in Seattle now. She has helped me a lot on the airplane in explaining for me where to inject my ear phone and in supporting me to find my phone when I dropped it. She got a chance to go to the U.S by receiving sponsor from a compatriot, which is very nice and inspiring. She also shared with me that she has a little son wait at home and she has not met him for 18 months. She could not think straight at that time and even worried how it is gonna happen for this meeting. We talked a lot on the airplane and became so connected, so close. When she asked about my experience in the states I told her that I have learnt a lot, especially about people who I have met and contacted with. Amazingly, so far, I have visited and stayed in Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and the U.S with different states such as Boston, Rhode Island, San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Anywhere I go, I have a chance to meet and talk to many interesting people as well as learn from them. These experiences have strengthened my understanding, my knowledge and my view to the world. The more I go, the more I am brave, the more I am inspired, the more I am curious about how things work, the more I learn about myself and the more I open. You can do anything and you can be anything.

In the meantime, I got to see a very good movie on the plane, its name is Baggage claim which is about a lady who has been searching Mr.Right and at right time, with right person she found her true love. The movie is so much inspiring, it delivers a message that you don’t have to be rush to find a boyfriend or a good boyfriend because maybe it is not the right time or not the right person but keep trying J no pressure. A true love does exist. On the way searching for it, just be yourself, love yourself and be open.

Another takeaway: you don’t need to do lots of things, just select several things and do them very very well. Quality matters more than quantity and this philosophy holds true for almost everything.

Sharing is good.

People come, people go but good people stay.

No matter what, people should be treated equally.

Bad things may happen but stay tuned and stay strong since good things will happen.

I usually wonder and dream, I know I am not practical but my dreams are the ones that take me further.

Things take time, you may have to climb some mountains and swim through some seas to get to the heaven.

Living in di Huyen’s home I am more aware of value of money and how much effort you need to put in to get something. I feel so ashamed for having lost many things and did not appreciate many valuable things and people.

I realize that for the later generation such as Gen Y, Gen Z and further, they are the ones who lead their life since there is a huge gap for their parents to catch up due to technology development and life experience.

Understand WHY behind something and behind every actions, behave and communicate clearly and straight to the point.

— Winter 2018 — With joy and gratitude



Hong Tran
Hong Tran

Written by Hong Tran

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”

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