
Hong Tran
2 min readAug 9, 2021

I think the most stressful moment in our lives should be when we are about to die with we do not believe in life after death, because that means “there is not more opportunities to explore and to try”. Yet, stress is our daily familiar friend who likes to visit whenever he wants.

Having stress is not a comfortable experience. It felt like getting stuck, like being helpless, as if nothing else could do, as if it is all bad. It is when we find it hard to breath and hard to focus given that we have time. When stress comes, you almost want to nail on anything next to you just to survive.

If another person next to you is having it or you yourself have it, ask this question: “Are you gonna die?” If not, “great, what can you do?”. This will be a nice wake up call that everything can be okay as long as you pause for a moment and calm down. There is a way to solve anything, we have just not seen it yet at that moment.

If you notice that you are having stress while doing an activity, stop doing it for a moment and distract yourself with something else, gradually you will gain back a balance. Just breathe and “this too shall pass”. My team got a notification of code of conduct violation and everyone was yelling in the group chat, either saying bad words or sharing negative emotions. None of those was good for any of us at that time. Why destroying ourselves? Instead, I stepped out and thought about what best we can do. As long as we tried, even if we are kicked out of the program, that what it is. If we stressed ourselves even more, we might harm ourselves, our job, our relationships and everything we were having. Stress is just a test to see how you can handle things, so pass it, do not grow it!



Hong Tran

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”