One person used to tell me that he likes to hike in the night, the idea scares me a lot. I love the dark but only at home, being in the dark in the middle of nowhere seems scary with lots of uncertainty. Yet, when it happened that I was running in a late night, I found something interesting about the experience.
The dark in fact gives me more focus, focus into your senses and yourself. It feels like your sense get to work at an optimal levels. Your eyes open to see, to search for a direction even thought there are not much to see. Your ears go intense to actively listen what is coming. Your noses are ready to smell stuff. Your body is back to defense mode. And all of a sudden, you start to get more present in the environment. You are by yourself, alive, not alone, but full.
Darkness takes away all of the distraction in our daily life. It is a completely different experience compared to when you close your eyes and not being able to see anything at all. Trees, people, mountains, and animals are as painted black but still keep their shapes. That was when they are at their rawest state.
It also brings with it the freedom. Running in the dark felt like the whole world was mine, that the whole track was mine and that I did not have to compete with anyone for my space. I could be totally myself without holding it up. When no one is watching you, that is when you are the most you.