There is always a special bond between dad and son or dad and daughter. The fatherhood is always strong. When I was young, I love sitting behind my dad’s back which large and strong and leaning in toward him, at that moment everything else does not matter. It’s like no matter how hard things are out there I am ready to fight for it. My dad does not talk much but he is always there, for every of my event and my milestone, physically and spiritually. Before dropping me off from school, he never forgot to tell me: “Keep fighting girl, let other kids see how tall you are”. I remember one time by motorbike he took me to join a competition. The road was very long and tough, we had to cross a forest. I had to wear 2 pants, the outside was to observe the dirts and was supposed to be taken off eventually, left the clean inside one. I remember days he took me from my hometown to the city to take extra classes, under the rain. I remember when he took me to a supermarket to buy a very fancy pants that my mom kept questioning why he spent money on that sparkling pants. He is always there, he took me wherever to gain knowledge and to fill myself with joy and adventures. He always empowers me to be bigger than who I am. He is always strong wings for me to take off. He and I are always a team, wherever I am. How much education he could not get, now he got all of those for me. He is the one who encourages me to hang out more with friends, to have fun, to gain more experience and to not forget to have some money in my pocket. He was the one I ran into to ask him to take me to the bookstore and buy some books. He was the one I asked to take me to the airport to see the airplane for the first time, to take me to a school and announce to him “this is the school I want to get into”. He is always the one I admire, the one who works hard and never gives up. He pushes me to go out there and seek for tougher challenges. He is also the one who has no idea what I am doing but always supports me behind. As much as I did not see him cry even for toughest moment in his life, I do not let myself tear down easily either. Thank you dad for being my idol, for giving me courage, for putting trust on me and for always flying with me. I love you and am proud of you, dad!