I remember 5 years ago while I was about to show a presentation in a meeting room of the digital agency I was working for, my screen was covered with a quote: “I am not weird, I am just a limited edition”. Yes, I was trying to cover for the fact that I am different, as I could aware.
I once told my friend that “I do not think anyone wants to be different, they just are”. Being different means sometimes if not most of the time, you feel lonely and anxious of not being able to fit in. However, that is more a fear than a fact. Many people in this world want to love you as who you are, no matter how weird and different you are as a person.
Through my entire life, the experience I have taken, the people I have been with have revealed a lot to me that I am unique. My physics teacher for an extra class in high school used to ask me of why I was in her class why I majored in literature. My history teacher used to confidently confirm that I would fail high school graduation test, yet I did not. It is tough for people to trust me of where I am going, but myself.
I like coding, but I do not just want to be a developer, I am curious about other aspects of the business and people. I love to be in tech but I also enjoy being with people who are non tech. I love expressing my creativity through art, music, and writing. I have background in business but I never want to just stop there. I love the U.S just like my home country despite the fact that I am not a citizen here. I always prefer to do than to talk, but I like to communicate.
Sometimes, I aspire to be reborn, to transform myself, for the better. And I never want to stop learning. I am keen on differences and diversity. Perhaps, I like to sit on the intersection of everything. Perhaps, that makes it weird and confusing. Though, I have to say, I never regret of the risks I have taken, the troubles I have made, and the things I have learn that make me who I am today.
Above all, it is not about how great I am, we are all imperfect, and we are just trying to live and to make a difference. However, never afraid to be weird if it is who you are!