If some kids already know to code well, what makes adults different?
Being a code coach gives me an opportunity to help kids to learn to code and build things from code and I know for sure that many of them not just know to code but are really good at it. This got me to think “so, what makes adults different then?” Imagine, tech companies hire a bunch of kids for software engineers’ positions :) Well, in my experience, kids are more free to think so they come up with bolder ideas and they are also more willing to try while adults are more afraid to be wrong. Not to mention, they seems to have lots of fun in learning, like making games and developing projects, which will help to get them further. Programming is such a very welcoming field in which everyone can get access into open source and in which there is a huge community with much of knowledge sharing so it makes barrier to entry even lower. Dreams are what kids have more too. My students used to share “I want to make another social media app”, “I am making this fun game” and end with “Can you help me?”. If a kid comes to you and asks you to help him, will you say No, of course not! And don’t underestimate their math skill or abstract thinking either. I’ve got students who solved coding challenges for technical interviews quickly, wrote algorithm code beautifully and knew well fundamental concepts such as recursion and bubble sort. What else do you expect more at a software engineer? Probably responsibility and commitment, which adults are supposed to have. When it comes to talent and passion, I am not sure who outweighs though. Best software engineers tend to be the ones who started coding in early age.
Going forward with this thought, why don’t we get more kids exposed to programming?