There are so many people in this world are fighting every day for their own flight, either coronavirus, cancer, buying a new house, having a new baby, starting a new career, or even just living. But I think it’s most important whether we choose to fight with it. Fighting means continuing with purpose and meaning. Trying my best to come to the U.S and carrying a huge debt to my parents and my family, I then chose to switch my career to programming just because I really enjoy coding, building products and I crave for solving problems using tech. However, to pursue it, I have to take a tremendous amount of pressure that no one understands what I am doing, that I have to receive a tons of rejections, that I have to sacrifice my own interest and desire, that I stress on others’ lives — my family lives and my relative’s lives. To others it might seem so easy but to me, it’s the end of my comfort zone. Because if I don’t try now, I’ll die. Therefore, everyday I am living, I do not allow myself to stop, fighting for my passion, fighting for being better everyday, fighting to override my ego, fighting to see if I can do anything to this life. And I can’t wait till that day. Let me just dive in!