Courage tends to be underestimated when it comes to good trait but I think we need courage more than anything else, more now than ever.
Courage to be honest about something you don’t like.
Courage to acknowledge something you are not good at.
Courage to bring your family to your side.
Courage to speak for yourself.
Courage to laugh out loud.
Courage to let your tears out.
Courage to take a step back.
Courage to push the edge a little more.
Courage to point out what’s not right.
Courage to protect your love and your beloved.
Courage to listen to your inner voice.
Courage to deal with rejections.
Courage to embrace minority.
Courage to say SORRY.
Courage to send THANK YOU.
Courage to show your love.
Courage to take actions.
Courage to start what you really want to do.
Courage to be there for the ones who are in need.
Courage to say NO.
Courage to share what you think even it might not be accepted.
Courage to acknowledge ‘I was wrong’ and ‘it’s my fault’.
Courage to receive the truth.
Courage to be weird but true.
Courage to laugh while someone cries.
Courage to understand for others.
Courage to take challenges.
Courage to be bigger than yourself.
Courage to make mistake and learn.