
Hong Tran
3 min readSep 20, 2021

Commitment is a choice to be great at something and to accept to not be great at so many other things. Commitment requires sacrifice, acceptance, focus, attention, dedication, persistence, and endurance. Commitment is a beginning of a journey. Commitment takes a YES and a lot of NOs. Commitment is beautiful yet challenging. Commitment is to build up lots of littleness to be great at something, to look forward to a better future. Commitment is to focus on actions rather than result, to simply work toward a goal, or simply just do it. Commitment is to ignore all the highs and to accept all the lows. Commitment is to not be cool but to be willing.

Commitment is when a man decides to leave a party because his kid is sick at home, no matter how fun he misses out.

Commitment is when someone decides to wake up at 5am every morning to work on his or her passion, no matter how much he or she wishes to not have to get out of the blanket.

Commitment is when someone wants to enter a relationship willingly, knowing that he or she will have to deal with a roller coaster ride of emotion and to sometimes not understand how the other person feel or behave in certain ways.

Commitment is when someone decides to run another round because there is a task at work to be done, no matter how pity it is to feel.

Commitment is when a mom decides to stay at home to take care of her three daughters, no matter how boring or exhausting it might be.

Commitment is when a sister no matter where she is or what she does, always spends 30 minutes a day to call her sibling to teach them English.

Commitment is when a founder decides to just try for his startup until it deadly fails, no matter how much more failure he has to take.

Commitment is when someone decides to work on just one project, no matter what it might lead to eventually.

Commitment is when you decide to go with a decision no matter what consequence it might take.

Commitment is when a man and a woman decide to share a life and to build a family together, no matter how much they have to tolerate and to accept each other’s flaws and strengths.

Commitment is when a college student decides to finish up his or her study, no matter how many times he or she wants to give up.

Commitment is when a writer decides to sit down and write, a developer decides to sit down and code, a painter decides to sit down and paint, no matter how frustrating the process is.

Commitment is when a mom is dedicated all her attention to make a good food to her family, no matter how much hard work it takes.

Commitment is when an employee dedicates all his or her talent and effort to contribute to success of his or her company, no matter how challenging it might be through the job.

Commitment is when an employee decides to stay in his job, no matter how boring or frustrating some days are.

A lot of the times, we commit but we are not aware of it, however, there are other times, we are faced with the decision to commit to something and that is when it causes more pressure to our brain to think. Yet, we know how important that decision is so it will be worth it eventually because it is a decision for future. We all have certain commitments to certain things and it also means that we drop commitments for other things. If it is to commit to everything in life, it is not commitment anymore, because as humans, we cannot, we do not have capacity to do so. Decide to commit is already a commitment. It takes courage and thoughtful thinking to commit, to be ready even when things do not work out, to accept that the commitment might not lead to something we want, to go through uncertainty, to be certain only at what we do, not what we will get.



Hong Tran

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”